Source code for scripts.UI

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: UI
 :platform: Unix
 :synopsis: Module for the user interface.

.. moduleauthor:: Luca Predieri <>
This code is the core of the program. We need the user to choose one of the modality, so we have to active one while the others are 


# Importing the libraries.

import rospy
import os
import signal

# Implementing class with the colors.

class colorz:
	WHITE = '\033[95m'
	BLUE = '\033[94m'
	CYAN = '\033[96m'
	GREEN = '\033[92m'
	YELLOW = '\033[93m'
	RED = '\033[91m'
	END = '\033[0m'
	BOLD = '\033[1m'

# Declaring strings with some messages to display.

intro = """ 
""" + colorz.GREEN + colorz.BOLD + """
Hi! This is your User Interface """ + colorz.END + """
You can move the robot through three different modalities:"""

menu_msg = colorz.END + """
[1] """ + colorz.CYAN + """Insert and reach automatically your desired position.""" + colorz.END + """
[2] """ + colorz.CYAN + """Drive the robot using your keyboard. """ + colorz.END +"""
[3] """ + colorz.CYAN + """Drive the robot using your keyboard assisted by the program.""" + colorz.END + """
[4] """ + colorz.RED + """Quit the simulation.

# Defining function switch(), this function will start the different
# modalities depending on what the user decides to choose. The variable
# boolprint is used to wait in the first modality the end of the task.

boolprint = False
[docs]def switch(): """ This function will start the different modalities depending on what the user decides to choose. The variable boolprint is used to wait in the first modality the end of the task. The input is got with the function ``input()``. This is the core of the program because it gives the user the possibility to choose the modality. it is important to say that the code manages the possibility of the first modality to cancel the goal to be reached. Args: none. """ global boolprint print(menu_msg) if boolprint == True: print(colorz.YELLOW + colorz.BOLD + "Press [0] for canceling the target." + colorz.END) boolprint = False command = input(colorz.WHITE + 'Instert a command \n' + colorz.END) """Command: the variable to assign the modality. """ # Setting all the modalities idle. if command == "0": rospy.set_param('active', 0) print(colorz.GREEN + "Idle." + colorz.END) active_=rospy.get_param("/active") print(active_) # Starting the first modality, then asking the user which position he wants to reach. # Once the position is written we set the position on the parameters, these will be # read by the first modality. elif command == "1": rospy.set_param('active', 0) print(colorz.GREEN + "Modality 1 is active.") active_=rospy.get_param("/active") print(colorz.BLUE + colorz.BOLD + "Where do you want the robot to go?" + colorz.END) des_x_input = float(input(colorz.BOLD + colorz.BLUE +"Insert the desired x position: " + colorz.END)) des_y_input = float(input(colorz.BOLD + colorz.BLUE +"Insert the desired y position: " + colorz.END)) print(colorz.GREEN + "Now we try to reach the position x = " + str(des_x_input) + " , y = " + str(des_y_input) + colorz.END) print(colorz.GREEN + "The robot is moving towards your desired target!" + colorz.END) rospy.set_param('des_pos_x', des_x_input) rospy.set_param('des_pos_y', des_y_input) rospy.set_param('active', 1) boolprint=True # Starting the second modality. elif command == "2": rospy.set_param('active', 2) print(colorz.GREEN + "Modality 2 is active." + colorz.END) active_ = rospy.get_param("/active") # Starting the third modality. elif command == "3": rospy.set_param('active', 3) print(colorz.GREEN + "Modality 3 is active." + colorz.END) active_=rospy.get_param("/active") # If we want to quit the program, we press 4. elif command == "4": print(colorz.YELLOW + colorz.BOLD + "Exiting..." + colorz.END) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) # If the user presses anything else, we want to quit the program. else: print(colorz.RED + "Wrong key!" + colorz.END)
# What we want now, is to call the functions created and printing the starting message. def main(): print(intro) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): switch() if __name__ == '__main__': main()