#! /usr/bin/env python3
.. module:: Modality1
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: Module for the first modality.
.. moduleauthor:: Luca Predieri <luca.predieri2018@gmail.com>
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This node is needed to the first modality of the program. The node makes the robot autonomously reach a x,y position inserted by the user on the UI interface. It uses actionlib, which permits to us to make the code simplier and better. It is really important to say that we have three parameters that we get from the UI:
- ``active`` which is the variable determinating the status of the modality, if it's on or not.
- ``desired_position_x`` which communicates the desired x position.
- ``desired_position_y`` which communicates the desired y position.
# Importing the libraries.
import rospy
import actionlib
from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseGoal
from tf import transformations
from std_srvs.srv import *
# Implementing the class colorz, the class which assign the name
# to the colors.
class colorz:
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
RED = '\033[91m'
END = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
# Implementing class with the colors.
# Creating message to display later.
msg = """
""" + colorz.BOLD + """
This node makes the robot autonomously reach a x,y position inserted by the user on the UI interface.
It uses actionlib, which permits to us to make the code simplier and better.
""" +colorz.END + """
# Assigning to local variables the data travelling around ROS' nodes.
# This part is crucial.
goal_msg = MoveBaseGoal() # Action client.
achieved = False # Variable for defining if a goal was achieved or not.
active_ = 0 # ROS poarameter to block/unlock the modality
desired_position_x = 0 # X desired coordinate
desired_position_y = 0 # Y desired coordinate
# Defining ActionClient(), the function starts the communication with wait_for_server()
# The action client and server communicate over a set of topics, described in the actionlib protocol.
# The action name describes the namespace naining these topics, and the action specification
# message describes what messages should be passed along these topics.
[docs]def ActionClient():
Function to define the ActionClient and create the action.
global goal_msg
global client
goal_msg.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
goal_msg.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
goal_msg.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
# Defining done_cb() function, this function updates when status value changes
# and it's the core of the action, because it changes the behaviour of the robot
# the n variable
[docs]def done_cb(status, result):
Function to define the functionalities of the action, like advising the user of the goal received and other useful messages. We want the action to do the following dues:
- Advising the user Advising the user that the goal was cancelled.
- Advising the user that the goal was achieved.
- Advising the user that the goal was aborted because the timer expired.
- Advising the user that the goal was not accepted.
global client
global achieved
if status == 2:
print(colorz.RED + "Goal received a cancel request." + colorz.END)
if status == 3:
print(colorz.GREEN + colorz.BOLD + "Goal achieved!" + colorz.END)
achieved = True
if status == 4:
print(colorz.RED + bcolrs.BOLD + "Timeout expired. Goal aborted." + colorz.END)
if status == 5:
print(colorz.RED + bcolrs.BOLD + "The goal was not accepted." + colorz.END)
if status == 6:
print(colorz.RED + bcolrs.BOLD + "The goal received a cancel request when he didn't finish the task."+ colorz.END)
if status == 8:
print(colorz.RED + bcolrs.BOLD + "The goal received a cancel request before it started executing. "+ colorz.END)
# No-parameter callback that gets called on transitions to Active.
def active_cb():
# Callback that gets called whenever feedback for this goal is received. Takes one parameter: the feedback.
def feedback_cb(feedback):
# SetGoal() is used to set the goal data in the goal_msg which will be published.
# Sends a goal to the ActionServer, and also registers callbacks.
# If a previous goal is already active when this is called. We simply forget about
# that goal and start tracking the new goal. No cancel requests are made.
def SetGoal(x, y):
global goal_msg
global client
goal_msg.target_pose.pose.position.x = x
goal_msg.target_pose.pose.position.y = y
client.send_goal(goal_msg, done_cb, active_cb, feedback_cb)
# UpdatingVariables() is used to keep update the three parameters crucial to the script,
# active_, desired_position_x, desired_position_y.
[docs]def UpdatingVariables():
Function to update the variables:
- active
- desired_position_x
- desired_position_y
global desired_position_x, desired_position_y, active_
active_ = rospy.get_param('active')
desired_position_x = rospy.get_param('des_pos_x')
desired_position_y = rospy.get_param('des_pos_y')
# Defining main() function.
[docs]def main():
Function to start all the features. The function if active is toggled or not it will do different tasks, it will wait when it is
0 and it will check the situation of the robot and the task, obviously it is all helped by the action.
global client
global goal_msg
global achieved
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/move_base', MoveBaseAction) # Action client.
rospy.init_node('modality1') # Init node
# Running the ActionClient() function to start the communication with the action.
# Boolprint used in order to know if the previous state was printable.
boolprint = 0
while (1):
# Updating the variables (including active_).
# If we are in Idle state but a goal was not achieved we need to cancel the goal.
# If active_ is turned to 0 we can idle the process and wait until the
# first modality is asked by the user. In any case, we want to cancel
# the goal asked by the user.
if active_ == 0:
# If the robot is idle forced by the user we do this:
if boolprint == 0 and achieved == False:
print(colorz.BLUE + "Modality 1 is currently in idle state. \n" + colorz.END)
boolprint = 1
# If the robot has achieved the goal.
if achieved == True:
boolprint = 1
achieved = False
# If active_ is turned to 1 we procede with the task of the process.
elif active_ == 1:
# If the prevoius state was Idle then we can set a new goal
if boolprint == 1:
print(colorz.GREEN + colorz.BOLD + "The robot is moving towards your desired target. " + colorz.END)
SetGoal(desired_position_x, desired_position_y) # Here we decide to set a new goal.
boolprint = 0 # If this modality will be blocked, then we have to be put in idle.
if __name__ == '__main__':